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Final report of the IHSN/ADP external evaluation available (September 2013)
The report of the external evaluation conducted by OPM Ltd is now available. The scope of the evaluation included the IHSN and the ADP programs.
IASS Cochran-Hansen Prize 2013: Competition for Young Survey Statisticians from Developing Countries
In celebration of its 25th anniversary, the International Association of Survey Statisticians established the Cochran-Hansen Prize to be awarded every two years to the best paper on survey research methods submitted by a young statistician from a developing country. Participation in the competition for the Prize is open to nationals of developing countries who are living in such countries and who were born in 1971 or later. Papers submitted must be unpublished original works. They may include materials from the participant's university thesis. They should be in either English or French. The deadline for paper submissions for the 2013 prize is February 15, 2013.
Evaluation of the International Household Survey Network (IHSN) and Accelerated Data Program (ADP)
The IHSN and the ADP are being evaluated by Oxford Policy Management Ltd, a United Kingdom based consulting firm ( The evaluation started at the beginning of January and will provide its final recommendations by the end of August this year (2013). It is now time to take stock of what we have achieved so far and where the programs should go from here.
JOB VACANCY ON ADP/IHSN at PARIS21/OECD: Statistical Project Officer
PARIS21 is looking for a dynamic Statistical Project Officer. The successful candidate will contribute to implementation of the ADP and IHSN work programmes. This position, based in Paris, is open to nationals of OECD member countries and nationals of countries eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA) as set out by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC List of ODA recipients:,3746,en_2649_34447_2093101_1_1_1_1,00....).