Food consumption data are collected in most countries through a variety of household surveys. The primary objective of these surveys is usually to measure poverty, to derive consumption patterns needed for the calcu-lation of consumer price indices, or to provide input to the compilation of national accounts. Increasingly, these data are re-purposed and used to calculate food security indicators, to compile food balance sheets, to plan and monitor food-based nutrition interventions, to serve information needs of the private sector, and for other research work. This report is thus based on a desk review of survey questionnaires and methods, not on an assessment of the data themselves.
IHSN Working Papers
The IHSN Working Paper series is intended to encourage the exchange of ideas and discussion on topics related to the design and implementation of household surveys, and to the analysis, dissemination and use of survey data.
Matthias Templ, Bernhard Meindl, Alexander Kowarik and Shuang Chen - August 2014
This guide, Introduction to Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC), discusses common SDC methods for microdata obtained from sample surveys, censuses and administrative sources.
Ernie Boyko and Wendy Watkins - November 2011
The Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) is a Canadian program that provides Canadian post-secondary institutions affordable access to Statistics Canada data resources. This paper describes the project and key success factors so that other agencies may determine its applicability to their own situations.
Olivier Dupriez and Ernie Boyko - August 2010
In all countries, data producers face growing demand for microdata. Determining the best way to disseminate these data is a challenge. Formal policies and procedures defining the conditions of access to microdata must be formulated. This guide provides an overview of such policies and procedures, and documents existing best practices.
Olivier Dupriez and Ernie Boyko - August 2010
Les producteurs de données de tous pays sont confrontés à une demande croissante de microdonnées. Décider de la meilleure façon de diffuser ces données constitue un véritable défi. Cela implique l’établissement de politiques et de procédures définissant les conditions d’accès aux microdonnées. Le présent document contient une description générale de ces politiques et de ces procédures, et recense les bonnes pratiques en la matière.
Olivier Dupriez y Ernie Boyko - Agosto de 2010
Los productores de datos de todos los países se enfrentan a una creciente demanda de microdatos. Decidir cuál es la mejor forma de difundir estos datos constituye un verdadero desafío. En este contexto, la difusión de microdatos implica la creación de políticas y procedimientos formales que definan las condiciones de acceso a los microdatos. El presente documento contiene una descripción general de estas políticas y procedimientos e identifica buenas prácticas existentes en este ámbito.
أوليفييه دوبريز وإيرني بويكو - 2010 أغسطس/ آب
في جميع الدول، منتجي البيانات يواجهون طلب متزايد على البيانات الجزئية. تحديد ووضع أفضل الطرق لنشر هذه البيانات يعتبر تحدي. السياسات والإجراءات الرسمية التي تحدد شروط الوصول والنفاد للبيانات الجزئية والحصول عليها يجب أن تصاغ وتكون واضحة. يقدم هذا الدليل نظرة عامة عن هذه السياسات والإجراءات، ويحتوي هذا الديل كذلك على الممارسات الجيدة للتعامل مع البيانات الجزئية.
Gordon Priest - June 2010
IHSN Working Paper No 004. This paper describes how external influences and a corporate strategy lead to partial coordination of surveys and data collection practices at Statistics Canada.
Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) - December 2009
This document provides basic guidance for managers in statistical agencies who are responsible for preserving data using the principles and best practices defined by the digital preservation community. The document defines the rationale for preserving data and the principles and standards applied to data preservation; documents the development of a digital preservation policy; and uses digital archive audit principles to suggest best practices for data.
Education Policy and Data Center - October 2009
This report studies 30 household surveys and analyzes how, and how well, their education information is collected. It provides a number of general recommendations useful to the individuals and agencies involved in the design of education questionnaires for household surveys and use of the resultant data.
John L. Fiedler - June 26, 2009
These guidelines are intended to help improve household income and expenditure surveys as a tool for designing and assessing fortification programs, and thereby aid in accelerating the development of more evidence-based fortification programs.