Global Fund data archiving workshop (Nairobi, May 4-8, 2009)
The Global Fund recently undertook a 5-Year Impact Evaluation (GF5YE) attempting to measure reduction of disease burden of Malaria, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis. The GF5YE implemented its evaluation through a Consortium of institution including: Marco International, WHO, Hopkins University, Harvard University and the African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC). Macro International funded a workshop to document primary household and facility data collected for the evaluation.
Charles Katende, Global Fund Senior Monitoring Specialist in Nairobi
Peruvian participants pictured with Fern Greenwell representing the WHO
The survey documentation workshop was held in Nairobi in early May and included two participants from each primary country: Haiti, Peru, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Zambia, Tanzania, Burkina Faso and Malawi. Many of the participants returned to their respective countries to implement a documenting program using the Microdata Management Toolkit. Plans to make the data available to the research community are also being considered.