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Ghana first country to upgrade to NADA 2.0 survey catalog (July 19-21, 2009)

The Ghana Statistical Service was trained in the installation of the new NADA upgrade (version 2.0). See the new catalog at

GSS was the first agency to upgrade to NADA 2.0 and is now a key regional partner in supporting the technology. Also present at the training was a representative of the IRSS from Burkina Faso.

A great deal of recognition goes to the National Statistics Service in Accra, Ghana. Although one of the last of the original pilot countries to develop and ADP program, the ADP, under strong leadership has rushed out in front and were the first to upgrade their NADA to the recently released 2.0 version. The ADP team has taken great effort to implement the documentation program and has archived 16 surveys (available on-line). A brief upgrade training was held in Accra in July 2009. The GSS has been assisting with upgrading sites in the region with successful upgrades in Gambia and Liberia in November.