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Microdata Management Toolkit Training and DDI Production Workshop for Nepal (Nagarkot, 17-21 May 2010)

A Microdata Management Toolkit Training was held in Nagarkot, Nepal from 17 to 21 May 2010. This is the seventh of the series of trainings held for Asia by the ADP. Participants comprised of 22 technically skilled personnel from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and other government agencies. The training included a DDI production workshop where 6 surveys were documented. DDIs of 2 surveys were presented to the Director General and Deputy Directors of the CBS who graced the training on the last day. The 5-day activity formally ended with the closing remarks of DG Malla where he expressed pleasant surprise to learn of the IHSN Toolkit, a comprehensive software package that covers documentation, archiving, and dissemination in print, CD and web. The participants and CBS management believed that the Toolkit is the tool to help them improve dissemination and safe-keeping of their products.