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Cambodia NIS launches its on-line survey catalog on 6 August 2010 !

The National Institute of Statistics (NIS) in Cambodia launched its National Data Archive (NADA) on 6 August 2010. The launch, which was held in the NIS premises in Phnom Penh, was attended by guests from other government agencies and representatives from international organizations that provide support for NIS projects. The activity was formally opened by Mr. Lundy Saint, ADP coordinator for the NIS and Director of the ICT Department, followed by his introduction of data documentation and dissemination using the IHSN tools. For further appreciation of these tools, features of the Toolkit were showcased by a presentation of one of the surveys available in the NADA and a tour around the NIS NADA. At present, the survey catalog makes metadata for 10 NIS surveys available for browsing.

Valuable comments were given by the guests in the discussion that followed. Recognizing the value of the documentation in future activities of the NIS, Ms. Brigitta Mannfelt, SCB (Statistics Sweden/SIDA) Chief Adviser for the NIS, and Mr. Mo Pao, Deputy Director of the Social Department of NIS, both encouraged to continue the documentation activity with the other surveys of the NIS. Mr. Saint assured to proceed with the documentation of other surveys even in the midst of some administrative challenges. It was suggested that a location in NIS be designated for compilation of all documents to facilitate documentation.

Queries on availability of the tools and documentation of administrative data were raised by the representative from the Ministry of Health. In response, Mr. Saint relayed ADP’s willingness to provide assistance to interested Ministries.

The NIS, under the Ministry of Planning, is the focal point on statistical matters in Cambodia. The agency compiles and consolidates statistics provided by decentralized offices and also collects primary data through household and establishment surveys and population, agricultural and economic censuses. Many development partners financially and technically assisted NIS since 1993.