Nepal CBS launches its National Data Archive (Kathmandu, 30 June 2011)
After the successful conduct of two DDI Production Workshops, Nepal’s Central Bureau of Statistics launched its NADA last 30 June 2011, making available metadata and microdata for 12 of its recent surveys and censuses.
The NADA was officially launched by the Honorable Vice-Chairman of the National Planning Commission (NPC) and joined by representatives of various ministries, the academia, research institutions, NGOs and international donor agencies. Also present were representatives from the media which gave the launch some media coverage in the evening news.
The CBS received much commendation for its effort of disseminating information through the NADA and stirred interest among other agencies to also get involved. The VC for the NPC pushes for the sustainability of this activity making available metadata/ microdata not only for future surveys but also for past surveys and surveys from other governmental units.
The CBS NADA is available at: