Bhutan launches its on-line survey catalog (Thimphu, 20 October 2011)
The National Statistics Bureau (NSB) of Bhutan launched the country’s online data archive in Thimphu on 20 October 2011 as part of their Statistics Day celebration. Named the NSB Data Archiving System, the online service contains seven surveys undertaken by four agencies: the NSB; and the Ministries of Agriculture and Forests (MOAF), Health (MOH), and Labour and Human Resources (MOLHR). The launch was attended by various ministries, members of parliament and civil servants.
Six of the surveys posted online were produced during the DDI Production Workshop held in Paro, Bhutan from 22 to 26 August 2011. Participants comprised 16 staff from the above-mentioned agencies.
In the week that followed, review sessions were held with the participants to finalize the documentations of the six surveys and another previously prepared. These were then presented to the NSB staff in a soft launch of the NSB-DAS on the 30th of September to further improve the system.
The IHSN tools were well appreciated and the representative from MOLHR expressed his intent of recommending the tools to his agency. The NSB is grateful for the skills gained on documentation and looks forward to newer tools that the IHSN will introduce.