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NISR Rwanda launches Survey and Census Documentation and Dissemination (23-27 January 2012)

The National Institute of Statistics Rwanda(NISR) with the support of the Accelerated Data Program facilitated a successful national training workshop on the documentation and dissemination of survey and census microdata.

The NISR Director of the Statistical Methods, Research and Publication unit, opened the workshop and reiterated the need for organisations in the National Statistical System to work together so as to enhance the dissemination of statistics in Rwanda.

He emphasized that this was in line with the current Government plans that are outlined in the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics(NSDS) 2009-2014 which calls for the improvement of dissemination services to data users. This will ensure the wider use of statistics in policy making.

A Senior Research Officer and Coordinator at the Liberia Institution of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) co-facilitated the workshop and shared the success LISGIS has experienced since the start of the ADP Program in Liberia in 2007, and now has 14 surveys disseminated online via the LISGIS NADA portal

Several organisations in the National Statistical System(NSS) participated in the workshop, and documented eight surveys and one census, which will be made available online via the NISR metadata dissemination portal NADA later in the year.

The ADP will continue its support to NISR over 2012.