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IHSN/ADP and SIAP hand in hand on microdata management ! (Chiba, 18-22 June 2012)
The IHSN tools, guidelines and standards were introduced to the participants of the 3rd Group Training Course in Application of Information Management and Related ICT for Official Statistics conducted by the UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) in Chiba, Japan.
Guatemala INE re-engaging on improving microdata management (June 2012)
From June 18 to 22, 2012 a Microdata Management Toolkit was held in Guatemala City. A total of 12 technical staff from INE were trained and 11 surveys were documented. INE authorities are updating their microdata documentation plan in order to re-launch the initiative. INE Manangement explained to the workshop participants the relevance to continue using DDI as the official Central America standard to preserve, document and disseminate microdata.
Improved capacity on survey documentation in Lao PDR (Vientiane Province, 07-11 May 2012)
Improved capacity to document surveys was recently seen in Lao People’s Democratic Republic after the conduct of the DDI Production Workshop held last 07 to 11 May 2012 in Vientiane Province. The Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB), which was recently upgraded to bureau-level from department-level (formerly the Department of Statistics), organized the workshop, as well as a subsequent meeting with some agencies and stakeholders to further advocate microdata documentation and archiving.
National Statistical Office of Paraguay progressing on microdata documentation (May 2012)
A Microdata Management Toolkit workshop was held on May 7 -11, 2012 for the NSO of Paraguay (DGEEC). 10 DGEEC´s Staff members were trained in the workshop; and the documentation of 30 surveys will be published by the end of 2012.
Version 2.5 of the DDI Codebook approved (21 November 2011)
The DDI alliance ( has launched the latest version of the Codebook: version 2.5.