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Microdata Management Toolkit training and production workshop held in Banjul, Gambia, 9-20 May 2011
A “Microdata Management Toolkit training and production workshop” was held in Banjul, Gambia from 9th to the 20th of May. The objective of the workshop was to train 15 participants from the Planning Services Unit (PSU), Ministry of Agriculture and the Gambia Bureau of statistics (GBOS) on the documentation of census and surveys.
The training familiarized participants on the use of the tools and the associated standards (DDI, DCMI), with a special emphasis on the use of the IHSN and FAO customized template for agriculture the “Agriculture 1.6 nestar template”.
The World Bank launches its Microdata Library (April 2011)
The World Bank Microdata Library is available at :
It is a service established to facilitate access to microdata that provide information about people living in developing countries, their institutions, their environment, their communities and the operation of their economies.
The Library activities include the acquisition of microdata, the detailed documentation of how the data have been collected and compiled, the cataloguing of the information, the preservation of the data, and their dissemination.
ADP discussed at the 30th meeting of the Andean Statistics Committee (April 5, 2011, Cuba)
The 30th meeting of the Andean Statistics Committee was held on April 5, 2011, at the “Palacio de las Convenciones” in Havana, Cuba. Directors from the National Statistical Offices of Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador attended the meeting, with development partners.
IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit training organized in Honduras (27 March - 1 April 2011)
The ADP organized an IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit training in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on 27 March - 1 April 2011. 25 staff from the National Statistical Office of Honduras (INE) and the National Registry of People (RNP) -especifically technical staff working on vital statistics- attended the training.
IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit introduced to Afghanistan CSO (Kabul, 6-10 March 2011)
The ADP, in coordination with the Afghanistan Offices of the World Bank and UK Department for International Development (DFID), conducted a Microdata Management Toolkit training at the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) in Kabul on 6-10 March 2011. Participants came from three department of CSO. At the end of the training, participants recommended to the CSO management the documentation of their surveys using the Toolkit.