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Tajikistan embarks on survey documentation (Dushanbe, 24 - 31 October 2011)

Tue, 11/01/2011

An IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit Training and DDI Production workshop was held for Tajstat in Dushanbe, Tajikistan from the 24th to the 28th and 31st October 2011. The workshop was held in partnership with the World Bank Office in Dushanbe. Participated in by 25 participants from the central and regional offices of Tajstat, the workshop produced DDIs for 6 Tajstat surveys.

Bhutan launches its on-line survey catalog (Thimphu, 20 October 2011)

Thu, 10/20/2011

The National Statistics Bureau (NSB) of Bhutan launched the country’s online data archive in Thimphu on 20 October 2011 as part of their Statistics Day celebration. Named the NSB Data Archiving System, the online service contains seven surveys undertaken by four agencies: the NSB; and the Ministries of Agriculture and Forests (MOAF), Health (MOH), and Labour and Human Resources (MOLHR). The launch was attended by various ministries, members of parliament and civil servants.

ADP activities starting in Mauritius (Port Louis, 19-23 September 2011)

Fri, 09/23/2011

The Mauritius Central Statistics Office organized a one-week IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit training and DDI production workshop at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development on 19-23 September 2011 with 19 participants coming from six agencies, namely: Statistics Mauritius; Ministries of Education and Human Resources, Health, and Industry; Bank of Mauritius; and Financial Services Commission.

Nine surveys were documented in the workshop comprising of five censuses or complete enumeration surveys, four sample surveys, and one administrative-based data.

Cambodia NIS adds more surveys to its upgraded on-line survey catalog ! (16 September 2011)

Fri, 09/16/2011

The National Institute of Statistics of Cambodia (NIS) has recently added six new surveys to its National Data Archive (NADA,, which itself was upgraded to the newer Version 3.1 software.

Colombia DANE publishing microdata for the first time (september 2011)

Fri, 09/16/2011

The National Statistical Office of Colombia (DANE) decided for the first time to release microdata as public files on its Website. The microdata is related to household surveys used for poverty estimations. Also, the microdata on poverty estimation methodology will be published to allow users to replicate the poverty indicators estimation. This release will be launched in the DANE Webpage using the Cd Rom Builder component of the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit.
